It has been a Great New Year In Family Formation!
Stay Safe and Explore the Resources we Have Covered and those We Didn't Get to.
¡Ha sido un gran año nuevo en la formación familiar! Manténgase seguro y explore los recursos que hemos cubierto y aquellos a los que no llegamos.
October 2 -
Don't forget our inspiring visit to venerate the relic of St. Jose Luis Sanchez Del Rio
No olvide nuestra visita inspiradora para venerar la reliquia de San José Luis Sánchez del Río
¡Ustedes Estámos Siendo Catechised!
You are Being Catechised!
and that is good! y estas bueno!
Catechism is a process of learning about your faith. The tools for this process are catechists, the Bible, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
El catecismo es un proceso de aprendizaje acerca de su fe. Las herramientas para este proceso son catequistas, la Biblia y el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.
October 9 - The Mass narrated by Auxilliary Bishop
Robert Barron– “A Privileged Encounter”
– the closest thing to Heaven on Earth
October 17 - The Mass (cont.)– “Called Out of the World”
– Introductory Rites
Saint Leander is a Doctor of the Church - He was the 1st Bishop to insist on inserting the Nicene Creed in the Mass, making it clear that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are all divine and have existed since eternity (Feast Day March 13th)
October 24 - The Mass (cont.)– “Called Out of the World”
– Introductory Rites
November 6 - The Mass – “Responding to Our God” – Homily, Creed, Prayers of the Faithful
November 13 - The Mass – “Preparing for Sacrifice” – Offertory and Eucharistic Prayer
November 20 - The Mass – “The Real Presence Creates Communion” Transubstantiation and Transformation
St. Therese of Avilla - (Feast October 15th) - Doctor of the Church and Carmelite Nun - "When you have received Holy Communion, close your bodily eyes so that you may open the eyes of your soul. Then look upon Jesus in the center of your heart."
November 27 -
Don't forget - December 8th - Immaculate Conception
No olvides el 8 de diciembre - Inmaculada Concepción
December 4 -
December 11 -
January 8 -
Jesus, Mary, I love You, pray for souls. Amen
ORACIÓN POR LAS ALMAS PURGATORIAS Jesús, María, te amo, reza por las almas. Amén