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Hi! I am a wife, mom of two great adult kids and in my spare time a catechist!

I love all of my vocations

and try to keep the Lord at the center of all of them. As part of that I am a Lay Dominican of the Order of Preachers

My favorite scripture that keeps  me sane in these roles is:


Romans 8:28, 31 

"We know that all things work for good for those who love God,

who are called according to his purpose.

What then shall we say to this? If God is for us,

who can be against us?"

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My Personal 'Mission Statement'

(all of the advice books say we should have one so here it is)


I, a child of God, in order to strive toward a more perfect relationship with my Lord, family, and neighbor will:

  • continue the path that I began as a youth on a pilgrimage and lifelong mission to first illuminate myself - then share with others what I have learned

  • be an example of the peace and joy that comes from God in a spirit that resounds with faith

  • exercise justice, mercy and service first in my vocation as wife and mother

  • seek council and example from those I trust and admire including sinners and saints, young and old

  • be humble in knowing I do not know everything

  • share what I have learned and gently lead family members of all ages, cultures, and stages of growth

  •  "to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation." (St. Thomas Aquinas)

  • so we all can continue to love and learn together

While I am working on this web page please have patience and a good sense of humor. Hopefully, eventually, it will provide some information and resources to remind us all that "If God is for us - who can be against us"


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